Records Reduction

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Medical Records Scanning

Records Reduction specializes in scanning and indexing medical records. Our experienced staff and professional grade equipment will insure your scanning project is a success.

Focus on Quality

Our focus on quality starts with the planning of your project. We will work with your staff to determine your special requirements. All of our processes are designed to maintain a high degree of accuracy throughout the project. Our scanners are equipped with advanced double-feed detection systems to further ensure quality.

Experience Counts

We have been in the scanning business for over 10 years and have scanned over a 100 million pages in that time. We are ready to bring this experience to your project.

Medical Records Conversion to EMR or HER

Records Reduction can convert your patient medical records securely on a digital e-chart, which can be integrated into your Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system. The implementation of Electronic Health Records (EHR) is booming, and digital integration can offer great benefits to both medical practices and patients. Our solution allows us to merge your patients’ old paper charts into new e-charts, facilitating a seamless transition and easy access.

Software Vendor Independence

Because we do not sell EMR software products, we provide files that are compatible with all popular Imaging and EMR software systems.

HIPAA Compliance

Maintaining the confidentiality of your records is of the highest importance at our company. Our facility is access-controlled and equipped with video surveillance. Our IT systems utilize advanced security systems and software.

Save Money Converting Paper Charts to an Electronic Format

Records Reduction Inc. has taken over the scanning for many companies who began doing it themselves. They appreciated the efficiencies of having scanned images, but underestimated the time it takes to prepare, scan, and index files, as well as the initial cost of the hardware and software.

We help them do the simple math to determine the actual cost of in-house scanning. It almost always costs more than 20¢/page! By using the best/fastest scanners and software in the industry, and by spreading the costs between our hundreds of customers, we can significantly reduce the cost per page. It’s simply Business 101!

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