Records Reduction

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Commercial Shredding Service

Since identity theft is one of the fastest rising crimes in America, using a commercial shredding service is simply essential for your business. If or when you fail to properly destroy sensitive information, you could be found liable if confidential customer information is exposed due to negligent security practices. The risks are not worth it when professional shredding companies like Records Reduction, a Charlotte, NC based company, will handle the entire process for you. In fact, our team is trained and qualified in document shredding best practices and we are committed to providing clients maximum protection against identity theft through our very strict approach to document destruction.

Records Reduction has been serving the Charlotte region since 1998, over 20 years ago. We’re large enough to handle all of your security needs, but small enough to still offer exceptional customer service.

How Long is Long Enough?

Companies file away storage boxes year after year. Often, they are kept long after the legal requirement has been met. Shredding has become a necessary service that enables companies to meet regulatory requirements while protecting customers, employees, and the business from identity theft. It is recommended that you shred files as soon as it’s legally permissible.

Why Use Records Reduction For Your Commercial Shredding Service?

Reduce the Risk of a Data Breach with Professional Shredding

Commercial Shredding Service

Records Reduction, Inc has been serving the Greater Charlotte, NC Area since 1998, over 20 years ago. We can help reduce your risk of experiencing a data breach, substantially. We will assess your document disposal habits and discuss with you a proposed collection plan that fulfills your specific requirements and budget. Information can be lost or worse stolen, very quickly when it is tossed in a recycling bin or shred by an office shredder. Neither option is secure or reliable, so it is important you leave it to our trained professionals, who are knowledgeable in preventing unwanted exposure. We will ensure all your documents are disposed of in the most secure manner, so you never have to worry about the threats surrounding a data breach. We offer great customer service you can count on!

Convenience of On-site Commercial Shredding Services

Worried about transporting records off-site? Feel like your schedule is too busy already? Not to worry, we make shredding extremely simple and of course convenient, by coming to YOU! Records Reduction Inc. will come to your location for one time shredding purgers or ongoing service, where the destruction will occur immediately upon collecting your files. We even welcome our clients and in fact encourage them, to witness the shredding take place firsthand. Gain peace of mind and feel confident in our services, while you see your records shred in a matter of minutes. All of this saves you the hassle of bringing those documents to us and allows you to focus on your business operations without distractions. Choose scheduled shredding services for ongoing regular collection, or a one-time purge clean-out if you’re simply looking to remove clutter or if you have an upcoming move and would prefer a large purge before you settle in at your new location.  We serve the entire Charlotte, NC region.

Document Shredding is Good for the Environment

All shredded documents are recycled to help protect the environment. Many companies now use the bins for ALL of their discarded paper – sensitive or not – simply because they know it will be recycled.

Records Reduction Inc. Makes the Process Easy!

When a scheduled shredding service is agreed upon and in place, the shredding process is simple, and looks something like this:

  • Locked security bins or consoles are placed in high-traffic areas throughout your office.
  • Documents requiring secure destruction are to be disposed of in these locked security for ultimate security. Documents remain untouched until we arrive.
  • Our mobile shredding truck will arrive at your specific location where a document shredding specialist will collect these containers and proceed with the shredding of your documents on your premises.  
  • All documents are shred and then disposed of at a recycling facility.
  • You will be presented with a Certificate of Destruction after the shredding is completed.
  • Security containers are returned to your office until your next scheduled shredding appointment.

Records Reduction Inc., a Charlotte, NC based company, provides FREE locked, secure containers for the storage of your confidential paper while awaiting destruction. The containers are attractive and fit in well with all office environments. The containers will segregate and secure sensitive materials in between our service visits. They are locked and can only be opened by authorized personnel, eliminating the chance of sensitive documents being made public or falling into the wrong hands. The locked containers will be picked up and placed in a secure document shredding system.  We can also provide containers for  your unused hard drive.

In addition to paper document shredding services, Records Reduction provides secure destruction services for X-Rays, Computer Hard Drive, CDs, and Magnetic Media Tapes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I shred?

We highly recommend that you should never discard bank statements, tax records, medical bills, hard drive, e-waste and other confidential documents in a dumpster, curbside trash can, or recycling bin increases your exposure to identity theft. Any unwanted document containing personally identifiable information (PII) or protected health information (PHI) should be destroyed.  It’s important to use a professional shredding company who can provide you with a Certificate of Destruction for your legal protection.

Is it expensive to outsource my paper shredding services?

If you have very little confidential documents to shred, it probably makes sense to do it yourself.  But if you have more than 10 or so pounds of paper,  it makes sense to outsource your paper shredding. Considering the costs of buying and maintaining office paper shredders, the added kilowatts per hour they consume, and the time you spend shredding, in-house document destruction is expensive. An outsourced shredding solution with a trusted document destruction  helps you save money and time.

You can have your paper files shredded at places like UPS or FedEx. it costs $1 per pound or more.  Your files will be stored and shredded once per week at most.  Records Reduction, a Charlotte, NC certified small shredding service, will charge 15 – 30 cent per pound based on volume.  Plus, we offer great service!

What are the standards for paper shredding services?

The National Association of Information Destruction (NAID) is an international trade organization that enforces the highest standard of ethics for shredding and destruction companies. Make sure your vendor is a NAID member.  As a NAID member, we commit to personnel screening practices, equipment and facility safety, and liability insurance.

Partnering with a document destruction provider who is a NAID Member in good standing ensures your information is securely and recycled.

How do I create a company-wide document destruction policy?

Seek the help of a shredding services company to evaluate your shredding needs. A trusted company can offer document retention and final disposition guidance and help your company carry out best practices for shredding and recycling  your confidential records, including your paper, hard drives and e-waste. After assessing your individual document destruction needs, we can set a customized document destruction schedule for your greater Charlotte, NC area organization.

What is a Certificate of Destruction?

State and federal information privacy laws and industry compliance standards require businesses to document their information disposal policies. A Certificate of Destruction is a document issued by your document destruction service provider after they shred your paper records. It includes the date, location and summary of materials collected and destroyed for documented proof of your organization’s compliance.

If you have questions regarding paper shredding that we have not answered here, please contact us at 704-724-3313 to discuss your shredding needs. 

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