Records Reduction

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Aperture Card Scanning

Aperture Cards can be scanned to PDF, TIFF, JPG, CAD, JEDMICS, and other file extensions. If you need it we have the capability.

The defense industry, engineers and other major manufacturers have archived data on paper as well as film and Aperture Cards for many years. In some cases those cards are being scanned while others are still creating new cards. Our equipment digitizes the Aperture Card film, producing sharp images and accurate index data. Time tested procedure and verification steps are implemented to ensure the conversion project meets quality and accuracy specifications. Aperture Cards containing one or multiple document images in one frame, can be scanned as one image or each document as a separate image.

If you already have electronic images that need to be cut up in some way, we have in-house cropping capabilities. Great for separating multiple Deed and Mortgage documents that were filmed together in one aperture card.

Project Management and Quality Control

Our professionals have had years of experience on numerous projects and millions of cards. They will work with you to review samples, define quality standards and establish specifications to ensure that the project is completed as scheduled and to your satisfaction. Samples are submitted for review and approval prior to the start of the project. Rules are established for production work as well as for exception handling. The image and data standards are then used for comparison purposes to assure that quality and production standards are being met throughout the conversion project.

Communication with the customer is constant and includes weekly production reports.

Aperture cards are scanned and the Hollerith data is read for indexing. Data can also be captured directly from the image. The images can be watermarked for security or copyright protection. The images are formatted as required, for delivery on media or via FTP, for upload. If an imaging system is not in place, the CD/DVD media can also be used for archiving and research. All deliveries are checked against an inventory report and verified for image integrity, as well as due dates, to ensure high quality images and timely completion of the projects. An initial detailed analysis, followed by testing and carefully designed tracking mechanisms, will ensure a successful conversion, with scheduled deliveries; delivery schedules are established so that there is always work in production while shipments are being sent to the customer for review.

Don’t have an archive system?

Considerations include:

  • Chemical-free microfilm technology
  • Printing and punch capabilities
  • Volume & availability
  • High quality imaging
  • Acceptance of Various Formats

The Records Reduction Aperture Card Scanning is a feature rich system that you can have confidence in providing what you need.

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